Drum Brigade

Camaraderie Over Competition

Drum Brigade is a community, a family and a place for drummers, drum enthusiasts, future drummers, and people who are just plain into music and culture, to be among like minded individuals. DB is a way to support each other as fellow drummers, but also a means to push each other to excel and expand horizons in a spirit of camaraderie rather than negative competition. Lifestyle/ Products/ Lessons.

Our Newest Video (lesson)

Here's our newest video posting.  It's the first timer, beginner warm up. We normally start each lesson at Drum Brigade School, whether you are a beginner, intermediate or an advanced student with a warm up. So this is the very first, beginner warm up that we do during our private and semi-private lessons. It's a very simple exercise consisting of a single stroke roll, double stroke roll, and a single Paradiddle. Each are explained in the video. It was fun making this. I hope you enjoy it! There are plenty more coming. Btw, if there are any videos you want us to make, or any thing you want explained, LET US KNOW! Comment on this blog or send us an email from the contact form on our website. Do it!


P.S. Make sure you hit that "Subscribe" button on our youtube channel!  DO IT!!